Archers 2016

The Archers Omnibus Collection 2016
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Will all be alright on the opening night? And will a brand new year offer a brand new start?
The week’s events in Ambridge.
On Plough Sunday, Ed’s feeling nervous. And it’s a time for farewells.
The week’s events in Ambridge.
Adam seems to have forgotten something. And what would David’s ancestors have thought?

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Jim is making a big effort for the bird watch. And Kate feels under pressure.
Rob is feeling protective, and Brian has all his women around him.
A helping hand for Helen? And it is a big day for Brookfield.
Is Brookfield all set for change? Rob is always there for Helen.

Banner Swiss Watches Direct
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Ambridge looks back to the floods of a year ago.
On Mother’s Day, Rob & Henry roll their sleeves up. And Helen puts her foot in it.
Mr Grundy goes to college, and Rob is thinking about the future.
Alf is turning on the charm, and Helen makes a call.

Banner Swiss Watches Direct
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It’s all the fun of the fair, and Helen uncovers some truths.
Rob asserts his viewpoint, and Susan stirs the pot.
Clarrie has some words of advice, and Lynda is not impressed.
There is just no pleasing Lynda, and the Brookfield Archers raise a glass.

Banner Swiss Watches Direct
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Tom has got his hands full, and Jim needs to make up his mind.
Helen makes a decision, and it is deadline day at the Dower House.
Brian wants to impress, and the Grundys need to make plans.
Peggy has made up her mind, and there is an awkward moment at The Bull.
Ursula is pleasantly surprised, and Kirsty and Fallon get their heads together.

Banner Swiss Watches Direct
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Johnny stands by Tom, and the Aldridges celebrate.
It is a busy day at Brookfield, and Lynda eyes up the competition.
Ambridge is in the party mood, and Emma deals with an emergency.
Anna is frustrated, and it is time for Josh to face the music.

Banner Souther Electric Group
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Neil reaches a decision, and Anna has a lot on her mind.
Anna needs to make herself scarce, and Kenton gets some shocking news.
Toby finds himself in a tight spot, and Ursula strikes a deal.
Harrison faces a new challenge, and Lynda and Fallon go head to head.
Ian wonders about his friendship with Helen, and it is all hands on deck at Hollowtree.

Banner Souther Electric Group
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Emma is put in a difficult position, and Lynda is taken by surprise.
Shula shows off a birthday present, and Rob makes a last-minute decision.
Henry is waved off to the beach, and Alice gives Pip food for thought.
Rob has got some news for Henry, and Kaz is feeling powerless.

Banner Fundraising Helen Titchener
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Ian makes up for lost time, and Anna makes a last attempt.
Anna is asking questions, Pat is determined to show her support.
Pat is full of questions, and Kirsty supports the Bridge Farm Archers.
Joe celebrates his 95th birthday, and Usha calls on Alan’s support.

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Adam keeps his distance, and Toby is caught out.
Helen faces a problem head on, and Tom is reminded of some old memories.
Ian has got an offer to consider, and Alistair wants to make it work.
Rex is argumentative, and Helen is ready to move forward.
Shula wants Alistair to reconsider, and Rex delivers a final blow.

Banner Fundraising Helen Titchener
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Adam struggles to be heard, and Rex has the final word.
Toby has a new toy, and Rob is forced to rethink.
Lynda rolls up her sleeves, and Shula surprises Elizabeth.
David fights a losing battle, and Helen has a heavy heart.

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Brian shares his vision, and Ruth fires a warning shot.
David fights a losing battle, and Helen has a heavy heart.
Jennifer has an unexpected call and Helen puts on a brave face.
Jennifer tries to keep the peace, and Lynda fears for her reputation.

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Blood Cancer UK

Sponsor: Peter Robertson

This campaign is sponsored by Peter Robertson who is keen to bring to our attention this charity that has meant so much to him. Any cancer is horrible, but if you have been affected by blood cancer, or know anyone close to you who has, then please consider supporting this charity with your donation.


This is what the charity has to say...


We're a community dedicated to beating blood cancer. We do this by funding research and supporting those affected. Since 1960, we've invested over £500 million in blood cancer research, transforming treatments and saving lives. Right now, our community is funding 360 researchers and staff across the UK who are searching for the next breakthrough. The day we will beat blood cancer is now in sight and the researchers are determined to finish the job.

Please remember to ONLY donate via this link otherwise you will not receive the automated email giving you your password!

To visit their website please click here

Benefiting Fans and Charities alike...

I put my time and money into creating this website for just 2 reasons... Firstly so that YOU, the Archer's fans can enjoy listening to all of the storylines since the podcasts began, and secondly, so that a few good causes can benefit from your generosity via a donation to their charities.


I am asking you to donate £10 or more to one of the charities in exchange for receiving this year's password. I appreciate that means digging deep into your pockets, but I believe that not only do the podcasts bring pleasure, but there is also pleasure knowing that you are helping someone else. ALL OF YOUR MONEY goes to the charity and is paid through the JustGiving portal, nothing is paid to me but I do get a great deal of pleasure knowing that I am bringing some happiness to fans and charities alike.


Remember... Your donation brings others HAPPINESS!   Happiness

Charity or Business Advert

You can pledge £50 to your favourite charity and ask me to display it in the podcast area so that other people can also donate.
That way you could turn a £50+ donation into £000's for the benefit of your particular charity!

If you are a business, I may consider an advert...
To get in touch please click here


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Business or Charity Advert

You can pledge £25 to your favourite charity and ask me to display it in the podcast area so that other people can also donate.
That way you could turn your £25+ donation into £,000's for the benefit of a charity!
You can simply display your company advert on our site...

To get in touch please click here

A picture tells a 1000 words. Serenata Flowers delivered this appalling bunch of flowers literally by throwing them over our garden gate for me to discover on the wet path a few hours later. Within minutes of seeing the embarrassment that they had sent, I had thrown them in our garden waste bin!

Serenata Flowers


To visit their website please click here

MacMillan Cancer Support

Sponsor: Kim Dyas

Kim wrote this to me… “I had 2 very close friends who died of cancer and I spent many hours at their bedsides. The end of life nursing provided by Macmillan is quite extraordinary.” I imagine that this is a feeling echoed by many.


I am asking you to donate £10 or more to one of the charities in exchange for receiving this year's password. I appreciate that I am asking some of you to dig deep into your pockets, but I really believe that the majority supports such a move because not only do the podcasts bring pleasure, but there is also pleasure knowing that you are helping someone else. ALL OF YOUR MONEY goes to the charity and is paid through the JustGiving portal, nothing is paid to me but I do get a great deal of pleasure knowing that I am bringing some happiness to fans and charities alike.

Please remember to ONLY donate via this link otherwise you will not receive the automated email giving you your password!

To visit their website please click here

St Martins In The Field

Sponsor: Dr Stephanie Hart

St Martins In The Field helps thousands of people every year to move away from, and stay off, the streets of London by tackling the underlying causes of rough sleeping as well as offering practical help.


I am asking you to donate £10 or more to one of the charities in exchange for receiving this year's password. I appreciate that I am asking some of you to dig deep into your pockets, but I really believe that the majority supports such a move because not only do the podcasts bring pleasure, but there is also pleasure knowing that you are helping someone else. ALL OF YOUR MONEY goes to the charity and is paid through the JustGiving portal, nothing is paid to me but I do get a great deal of pleasure knowing that I am bringing some happiness to fans and charities alike.

Please remember to ONLY donate via this link otherwise you will not receive the automated email giving you your password!

To visit their website please click here

Royal National Lifeboat Institution

Sponsor: Alan Goodenough

The RNLI will put their own lives on the line to save yours! It’s a hard and dangerous job and they are all very much the unsung heroes of our communities.


I am asking you to donate £10 or more to one of the charities in exchange for receiving this year's password. I appreciate that I am asking some of you to dig deep into your pockets, but I really believe that the majority supports such a move because not only do the podcasts bring pleasure, but there is also pleasure knowing that you are helping someone else. ALL OF YOUR MONEY goes to the charity and is paid through the JustGiving portal, nothing is paid to me but I do get a great deal of pleasure knowing that I am bringing some happiness to fans and charities alike.

Please remember to ONLY donate via this link otherwise you will not receive the automated email giving you your password!

To visit their website please click here


Sponsor: Karen Reid

The story-line about Rob & Helen certainly focused our minds on mental and physical abuse, but sadly it's not uncommon and the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021 have made this dreadful situation worse today than ever before.

Refuge is a United Kingdom charity providing specialist support for women and children experiencing domestic violence. We all know the Rob and Helen story-line in the Archers, but this is for real!


I am asking you to donate £10 or more to one of the charities in exchange for receiving this year's password. I appreciate that I am asking some of you to dig deep into your pockets, but I really believe that the majority supports such a move because not only do the podcasts bring pleasure, but there is also pleasure knowing that you are helping someone else. ALL OF YOUR MONEY goes to the charity and is paid through the JustGiving portal, nothing is paid to me but I do get a great deal of pleasure knowing that I am bringing some happiness to fans and charities alike.

Please remember to ONLY donate via this link otherwise you will not receive the automated email giving you your password!

To visit their website please click here


Sponsor: Vivienne Cusop

Believe in Children...

Barnardo’s is a British charity founded by Thomas John Barnardo in 1866, to care for vulnerable children. They support children who have been abused and help them feel safe again.


I am asking you to donate £10 or more to one of the charities in exchange for receiving this year's password. I appreciate that I am asking some of you to dig deep into your pockets, but I really believe that the majority supports such a move because not only do the podcasts bring pleasure, but there is also pleasure knowing that you are helping someone else. ALL OF YOUR MONEY goes to the charity and is paid through the JustGiving portal, nothing is paid to me but I do get a great deal of pleasure knowing that I am bringing some happiness to fans and charities alike.

Please remember to ONLY donate via this link otherwise you will not receive the automated email giving you your password!

To visit their website please click here

Solving Kids Cancer

Sponsor: Diana Thomas

Helping those affected by neuroblastoma, an often aggressive and deadly childhood cancer, through Family support, gaining access to treatment, research and campaigning.


I am asking you to donate £10 or more to one of the charities in exchange for receiving this year's password. I appreciate that I am asking some of you to dig deep into your pockets, but I really believe that the majority supports such a move because not only do the podcasts bring pleasure, but there is also pleasure knowing that you are helping someone else. ALL OF YOUR MONEY goes to the charity and is paid through the JustGiving portal, nothing is paid to me but I do get a great deal of pleasure knowing that I am bringing some happiness to fans and charities alike.

Please remember to ONLY donate via this link otherwise you will not receive the automated email giving you your password!

To visit their website please click here


Sponsor: Anonymous
Taking Action When Others Won't...

Rising sea levels, more extreme weather events, loss of biodiversity. Our climate is breaking down and destructive industries continue to threaten our forests, oceans and air. But together we can overcome these challenges.


I am asking you to donate £10 or more to one of the charities in exchange for receiving this year's password. I appreciate that I am asking some of you to dig deep into your pockets, but I really believe that the majority supports such a move because not only do the podcasts bring pleasure, but there is also pleasure knowing that you are helping someone else. ALL OF YOUR MONEY goes to the charity and is paid through the JustGiving portal, nothing is paid to me but I do get a great deal of pleasure knowing that I am bringing some happiness to fans and charities alike.

Please remember to ONLY donate via this link otherwise you will not receive the automated email giving you your password!

To visit their website please click here

Arundel Castle Cricket Foundation

Sponsor: Kevin & Andrea Wade

This charity was the first charity on this site and therefor responsible for changing the focus of my Archers Omnibus Catch-up Service to that of fund raising.


The Arundel Castle Cricket Foundation are using the power of cricket, outdoor recreation and our unique historic setting to create magical experiences that gives young people the tools and confidence they need to learn, grow and succeed.

Please remember to ONLY donate via this link otherwise you will not receive the automated email giving you your password!

To visit their website please click here

Benefiting Fans and Charities alike...
Thanks entirely to you guys, this site has already raised over £26,000 for good causes!

If you would like to download and listen to this podcast then you will need to get this year's password by donating £10 or more to one of the supported charities. ALL OF YOUR MONEY goes to the charity and is paid through the JustGiving portal, nothing is paid to me. I do this for the pleasure of bringing enjoyment to Archers fans and helping a few charities at the same time.


To donate just click on your chosen 'donate' button showing on all podcasts from 2019, or click here to see a list of all the charities.

View List Of Charities

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