You are not the only one!
Upon investigation, I found that many people are having the same problem, in fact the internet is awash with them, but what really surprised me (and delighted Canon) is to find so many that just seemed to accept the situation and believe that the answer is to scrub the rubber off with some chemical solution!

Fair enough if you own a £20 pair of binoculars, but for goodness sake, you don’t expect it when spending hundreds of pounds. If the coating is not fit for purpose then we should complain… and that’s what I did.
After much wrangling, Canon agreed to sort the problem free of charge, but don’t expect that to happen without a fight. If you haven’t got the receipt don’t worry, after all the issue is not about a warranty problem but about Canon using a coating that is faulty and unfit for purpose.
Feel free to following my paper trail of emails with Canon’s customer services. It will show you how Canon dealt with my issue of this manufacturing problem, and possibly help you to also get a positive result from your complaint.
There is a good chance that when you first take this up with Canon that they will try ‘fobbing you off’ but don’t stop there, keep pushing because you are not alone! You will see from this link that lots of others have had the same problem, and you can read about their experience by CLICKING HERE
Of course you are also welcome to contact me by CLICKING ON THIS LINK… After all, we are stronger as a group and I’m sure that many people would like to support you the same as I am.
BELOW IS A TIMELINE OF MY COMMUNICATIONS WITH CANON FOR YOU TO FOLLOW. You can read my conclusion at the bottom of this page…
About 9th October I sent an email via the Canon website
Date: 11/10/2017
Service Request: 1-18820162187
Dear Beal,
Thank you for your enquiry.
I am sorry to hear that your equipment’s rubberised coating has deteriorated. It is with regret to advise you that the 10X30IS model is no longer supported by Canon UK since February 2013.
We constantly update our range of products to keep abreast of fast changing technology. It is our policy as far as possible to retain spare parts for the product range for five to seven years after the end of production. When we are aware that the spare parts retention period is coming to a close, we will replenish our spare parts stock as far as is possible to enable us to continue to offer a service to our customers.
It is therefore with regret that we have to inform you that we are unable to undertake a repair on your product under our normal Terms and Conditions of Repair due to a lack of spare parts.
I am sorry that on this occasion I am unable to provide you with an alternative solution.
Yours sincerely,
Maureen Rowles
Canon Services & Support
Tel: 020 7660 0186
Opening hours:
08:00 – 20:00 hrs (Monday to Friday)
09.00 – 18.00 hrs (Saturday)
10.00 – 16.00 hrs (Sunday)
Email sent 11th October to
Dear Maurine,
Thank you for what appears to be a cut and paste reply used for other complaints about your rubberised coated products.
I have started this communication in the belief that Canon are a well respected company, which one can not only trust, but also expect high quality products in line with the prices charged. I own a Canon camera, very expensive Canon lenses and other quality Canon products that include two high end Canon binoculars, both of which are rubberised.
Now that the coating on my binoculars are failing after only a few years of light use, I am expecting equally high quality customer service to rectify a problem which is a straight forward quality control issue.
I intend to have an ‘open’ communication via social media so that other owners of your rubberise binoculars can benefit from peace of mind in the way that Canon have dealt with this issue and not lose faith in the Canon brand.
I am sure that Canon will be keen to resolve this quickly and look forward to hearing from you in this regard.
Best wishes,
Adrian Beal
Email sent 02/11/17 to
Dear Maureen,
I have not received a reply to my last email dated 11th October and am anxious that we find a suitable solution to the problem of the rubber coating on my canon binoculars 10×30 IS, particularly as I am concerned that this is going to happen to my canon binoculars 10×50 IS which are only a year or so younger and very expensive.
There is nothing untoward in the way that I store my binoculars or in their use on the few occasions that they required. Non rubberised binoculars do not experience any detrimental deterioration outside of normal wear and tear and certainly do not become sticky.
I look forward to an early reply.
Best wishes,
Adrian Beal
Date: 02/11/2017
Service Request: 1-18820162187
Good afternoon Adrian
Thank you for your email
I am sorry that it would appear that your email reply has not been received.
My reply to your previous email is to inform you that the Model 10X 30 IS Binoculars is now a product we can no longer support due to the age and lack of parts available to us.
With regards to the deterioration of the rubber coating on your 10x 30is unfortunately we are unable to offer a solution to your request or indeed a reason why this has occurred.
We have to take into account lots of circumstances as to why material deteriorates. However, we do not have the facility to conduct tests upon the material deterioration or its causes.
We would treat each case of a product fault on a case by case basis. However, in this instance we are unable to support the 10X 30IS.
With regards to your 10X 50 is Unfortunately this is a model I am unfamiliar with as it doesn’t seem right? can you please confirm the 2nd model Binoculars that you have and warranty status.
I hope my explanation is clear, however if you have any further questions relating to this matter please feel free to reply.
Yours sincerely,
Maureen Rowles
Canon Services & Support
Tel: 020 7660 0186
Email sent 02/11/17 to
Dear Maureen,
Thank you for your very speedy reply… less than an hour I believe! Sadly I think that it was a little too speedy to take on board my complaint.
It may be more helpful to forget the fact that you are no longer supporting my particular binoculars. What is important is the nature of my complaint as it refers to the materials used and not the superb design, engineering and performance of Canon’s otherwise excellent product.
I guess that ‘customer services’ are more about the handling of customers rather that the products themselves, but I am absolutely sure that the ‘powers that be’ rely on customer feedback both good and bad to prevent the company moving blindly forward in ignorance.
The issue about the rubberised coating turning sticky is not new. A quick trawl on the internet will provide ample examples and comment, which is in my mind rather worrying as either feedback has not been forwarded to the design department, or it has, but Canon have not proved to themselves that there is indeed a problem. Either way the rubberised coating is still being widely used on the latest Canon binoculars and other products.
I think therefore that your technical department would be very keen to take my complaint seriously and be urging Customer Services to get hold of these binoculars for examination. They would certainly not wish to miss this opportunity of discovering what has gone wrong and why the coating has failed.
Not assisting your product development team by fending off a valid complaint with a wishy-washy excuse that the product is no longer supported is a disservice to all concerned. I repeat that it is the coating at fault here and not the product, and that Canon are still very much involved with the coating. I will refrain from cynical thoughts of ducking the issue by quickly withdrawing ‘support’ for products…
Having read this I am sure that you will be very keen to get your hands on my binoculars for examination, which is what you should have requested in the first instance. To that end please send me a suitable postage paid container and I will return them promptly.
Yours sincerely,
Adrian Beal
Email sent 07/11/17 to
Dear Maureen,
Please confirm that you received my last email dated 2nd November and that it will be responded to shortly.
Best wishes,
Adrian Beal
Date: 07/11/2017
Service Request: 1-18820162187
Good Morning Adrian
Thank you for your reply
I have discussed the situation with my manager and we agree to have your binoculars retuned for further investigations.
May I ask you to provide your full postal address and I will send you Royal Mail labels via email.
Please ensure that you package your binoculars securely and include a covering note inside with your contact details, a summary of the issue and may I also ask you to include details of how the item is stored, are they stored near a heat source ? radiator ? , the temperature in which they are stored, locations the item is used, and if you use hand creams or lotions ?
Upon receipt your equipment will be passed to our specialist and we will then contact you with our findings.
I do hope this information is useful and I look forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Maureen Rowles
Canon Services & Support
Tel: 020 7660 0186
Email sent 07/11/17 to
Dear Maureen,
Thank you for your prompt reply.
My address is:
Adrian Beal
King Edward’s Parade
East Sussex
Once I have your packaging labels I will send the binoculars off.
In the meantime I can confirm that they are kept in their little black bag inside my lounge sideboard. The nearest radiator is about 4 feet away around a corner and tucked into the window bay so there is no possibility of direct heat. The room thermostat is set to 20°c and I can confirm that I do not use any lotions or hand creams so there should be no sign of any unnatural products on them.
I am based on the coast but rarely take the binoculars outside so their main function is to view shipping in the channel and moon gazing. I can confirm that there has been no unusual use or storage conditions that would make me suspect that this could be the cause of the rubber going soft and sticky and for this reason I am very concerned about my other more expensive pair which are the 18×50 IS UD 3.7° all weather binoculars. Whilst they are fine at the moment they are a year newer and so I fear that the rubber may ‘turn’ shortly.
I hope that has answers your questions fully but if not then please don’t hesitate to request more information. I am happy to email you a photo of the sideboard and location if required.
Yours sincerely,
Adrian Beal
At this point Canon and I exchanged a few emails, which I have not included, regarding the arrangements for the shipment of my binoculars back to Canon.
Then it continued…
Date: 14/11/2017
Your repair: 2-17-303218 / 1-18820162187
Dear Customer,
Your repair is currently being processed. Please be aware our turnaround times for non CPS members is within 3 weeks from point of proceed, subject to spare parts availability.
Yours Sincerely
Canon Service Centre
+44 (0)207 6603510
Canon (UK) Ltd. Registered Office – Woodhatch, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 8BF
Registered in England & Wales Registered No. 1264300
Date: 14/11/2017
Service Request: 1-18820162187
Dear Mr Beal,
REPAIR REF 1 17 311583
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and giving us the opportunity to investigate your complaint further.
After inspection by one of our senior technicians we are unable to determine the cause of how your binoculars developed the sticky condition around the eye piece barrel covers.
Having said this, the technician noticed that the sticky affect was in the location where the index finger and thumb are positioned to adjust the eye piece barrel width. We noticed that your binoculars did not have a protective pouch/case and would advise that you use one especially when outside to protect them from high UV levels or adverse weather conditions.
You may or may not be aware that at the start of your user manual there are some caution statements regarding your binoculars.
I have listed some of the caution statements below:
Avoid storing the binoculars in a laboratory or a location where chemicals are present since this may cause rust or corrosion. Also avoid storage in a chest of draws.
Storing the binoculars in a humid location may cause fungus to form on the lens or cause the lens to become cloudy. If the binoculars are not to be used for an extended period, clean the lens body thoroughly and store in a well-ventilated dry place.
The binoculars are not waterproof. Avoid exposing the binoculars to rain or water spray
High temperatures can cause the binoculars to malfunction. Therefore do not store them close to a heater or in a car under direct sunlight.
Invariably, humid conditions increase in the winter months due to central heating systems coming on and windows remaining closed, hence the above precautionary measures stated in your user manual.
The cost to repair your binoculars (parts and labour) will be £276.32 however, as a goodwill gesture and on this occasion only, we will replace the covers free of charge. We do not have any quality issues with our range of binoculars and hope you enjoy many years of use following the information set out in your user manual.
Should you have any further questions regarding this matter please do not hesitate to contact us again.
Yours sincerely,
Maureen Rowles
Canon Services & Support
Tel: 020 7660 0186
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I had a to wait several weeks to get my binoculars back but Canon did a good job in repairing them and replacing the sticky rubber parts.
Canon claimed in their email dated 14/11/17 “We do not have any quality issues with our range of binoculars” which I know, and all of you reading this know, is blatantly untrue. They also stated in the same email “we are unable to determine the cause of how your binoculars developed the sticky condition” but go on to imply that they must know because they felt it necessary to state “We noticed that your binoculars did not have a protective pouch/case and would advise that you use one especially when outside to protect them from high UV levels or adverse weather conditions”.
How many people who have bought these binoculars would be aware that they should hide their binoculars in the case when going outside as exposure to daylight is detrimental to the rubber!!!!! That simply tells me that they know that there product is not fit for sale.
Please feel free to quote any of this correspondence to Canon when you start your own battle to have your sticky binoculars repaired or replaced. But most of all, do let me know about your battle if you are happy for me to paste it on this website for others to learn about. We are stronger together than apart and with a bit of luck we can get enough people who have experienced the same issues, to change Canon’s attitude toward using a material that they are perfectly aware will deteriorate in only a few years. There is no doubt that this is all about built in obsolescence.