Candy Beal / Candy Fulks / Candy Baker / Candice Carr / Candice Freyer / Kandice Kerr / Kandyce Kerrell
Honouring Her Spirit
The One In Three
by Kandyce Kerrell
If you put a lump of ice
into some kind of device
say a pan or a kettle
in time the ice will settle
and change its frequency
into water energy.
If you turn it on to boil
the water in turmoil
will bubble then fret
and looking for an outlet
turn to steam rapidly
making matter illusionary!
This simple chemistry
explains the mystery
even though a little odd
that all matter is God!
Now let me explain
before you consider me insane
the extraordinary revelation
that there is no separation
and that all three (oops!)
are the holy trinity.
We are taught to believe
that there’s a dichotomy
God is there you are here
and you’d better live in fear
it really isn’t complicated
when you’re truly educated
to go beyond control
and understand "all" is soul.
And like a lump of ice
(to say it precisely twice)
when warmed, turns to water
but then again will alter
and heat in extreme
will transform to steam.
I’m sure you would agree
that the one is in the three!
Only illusion sees divorce
and the enlightened, only the force!

27th March 1955 to 20th June 2012